I’m alwaysvery im pres ed with the organisation and runningofthis event,alsothehigh standard ofthe foodforsucha largeam ountof people-I’lbeback in D ecem ber! ” ROLLS ROYCE “
Forthe f irsttim e ever,Christm asParty W orld takesresidence w ithin the state-of-the-art eventsvenue;Farnborough International,creating the m ostim m ersive Christm asparty experiencesavailable in the area. Each yearw ehostunforgetableChristm aspartiesin f lagship venuesacros theUK, ranging from privatetablesof8,to largercom paniessuch asForm ula1team sand FTSE 100 com panies,w anting to share the experience w ith hundredsoftheircoleagues.Alof oureventsshare the m ostelectrifying atm osphere from startto f inish and m ake m em oriesthatlasta lifetim e. Ihopeyou wilchoseto join usthisyearforourbrand-new ‘CirquedeLum iere’them eat Farnborough Internationaland to experiencean unforgetablenight! Hayley Alton M anaging Director CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD COMES TO FARNBOROUGH’S FLAGSHIP CHRISTMAS PARTY VENUE FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL Christm asParty W orld2024 FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL
Widely recognised as Hampshire’s leading and most dynamic events venue,farnborough international exhibition & conference centre provides a truly unique backdrop to our INCREDIBLE Christmas parties. Farnborough isconveniently located south-westofLondon and isserved by strong nationaland internationaltravellinks.Travelto Farnborough in just35 m inutesby train from London W aterloo oracces the venue by carfrom the M 3 and enjoy free parking on site.Forthose traveling by air, Heathrow isonly 30 m inutesand Gatwick50 m inutesby car.Farnborough Airportadjacentto the venue,isone ofEurope’sleading busines airportsforprivate f lightsaround the w orld. GETTING HERE Located justof the A325,acces ible from the M 3 (J4)and A31.GateF –UsepostcodeGU14 6TQ By Train: Farnborough InternationalExhibition & Conference Centre isw ithin easy reach off ive stations– Farnborough Main Farnborough North & North Cam p Aldershot Frimley By Taxi: Taxiscan drop of and pickup rightoutside the venue. Parking: Parking isfree ofcharge forup to 3,500 cars.Carscan be leftovernightatthe ow ners’risk. 6 HOTELS AviatorHotelHam pshire 0.7 m iles|01252 555 890 HolidayInn Farnborough –IHG Hotels o.8 m iles|01252 859 200 Vilage HotelFarnborough 1.7 m iles|01250 710 675 Prem ierInn Farnborough W est 2.5 m iles|0333 777 7939 Travelodge Farnborough Central 2.5 m iles|0871984 6423 CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024 The Venue
Asyou approach the iconicvenuethe hairson yourneckbegin to rise.An electricatm osphere radiatesaround you asyou catch glim psesofthe incredible w orld aw aiting.Bizare stiltcreatures stand nextto beautifuly snow ed Christm astreeslining the entrance -litin glistening bluesand em erald greens-assporadic beam sofcrisp lightf lash overhead.Uplifting m usic f ilsthe airasyou’re w elcom ed w arm ly inside to m eetfriendsand coleagues. The venue ison a scale the size ofw hich israrely experienced,The vista tw inklesw ith thousandsof lights,w hile a num berofincredible barsofercrisp beers,prem ium spiritsand deliciousw ines.The cocktail& Cham pagne barsprom ise som ething diferent,w ith m ixologistsconcocting specialy designed drinksbefore youreyes,w hile deliciouscanapesare ofered to al. Suddenly the venue isplunged into darknes .Beautifuly clad,lithe dancersdres ed in m esm erizing costum esslowly becom evisibleon raised platform sthroughoutthebarastheevening’s entertainm entgatherspace. Asyou enjoy a tasty festive dinnerand relax am ongstfriendsand coleagues,conversation isplentiful and f ine w inesf low .The m ain stage hascom e to life w ith aerialacrobatsperform ing aw e-inspiring routinesthatbecom ethetalking pointofthetable!Asthelastspoonfulofdes ertisdevoured,an explosion oflightand sound on them ain stagem arksthebeginning ofadazzling f inale. After-dinnerentertainm entisplentiful–Dodgem sw hirlinto action,w hile elsew here in the venue the fun casino opensitstablesand fairground stalscom e to life.W hile som e take cofee and chocolates in aquieterarea,thedancef loorbeckonsforthosedisco bunniesw ith boundles energy and w hose nightisstilyoung!And don’tforgetto sam pleam idnightbreakfastrol! EXPERIENCE THE WONDER OF CIRQUE DE LUMIÈRE 2024 TheParty: CirquedeLum ière 9 FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL
BARS Only prem ium brand drinks Profes ionalcocktailbar Fevertree gin bar Moët& Chandon cham pagnebar Table service forwine ordersduring yourm eal DINING Deliciouscanapé reception 3-course seated dinner Fresh cofee & chocolate truff les M idnightbreakfast ENTERTAINMENT Spectacular’Cirque de Lum ière’them ing Incredible cirque entertainm ent Undercoverdodgem s* Afterdinnerdisco & profes ionalDJ Afterdinnerentertainm ent* *These item sare optional–there wilbe a sm alcharge on the evening FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL Farnborough’sleading eventsvenue Fuldisabled acces Profes ionaleventsecurity Free cloakroom Free parking,Taxirank An incredible experiencefrom them om entyou arive.” “ CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024
1 *Retail& 999 Night Reserved exclusively forthose w orking in the retailindustry or em ergency servicessector,w ith a com petitive ticketprice on a m id-weeknight. ** Al InclusiveNights Ticketprice includeshouse w ine,prem ium beers,ciders,alcopopsand softdrinks.To com ply with ourlicensing policy,guestsm ustbe 18 or olderto atend oural-inclusive nights. W E PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE DRINKING ATALLTIMES EX VAT INC VAT Tuesday 3rd Decem ber £58.33 £70.00 RETAIL& 999NIGHT * W ednesday4thDecem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * Thursday 5th Decem ber £75.00 £90.00 Friday 6th Decem ber £83.33 £100.00 Saturday 7th Decem ber £83.33 £100.00 Sunday8th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * Tuesday 10th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * W ednesday1th Decem ber £70.83 £85.00 Thursday 12th Decem ber £79.17 £95.00 Friday 13th Decem ber £83.33 £100.00 Saturday 14th Decem ber £83.33 £100.00 Sunday15th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * Tuesday 17th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * W ednesday18thDecem ber £91.67 £10.00 ALLINCLUSIVE * Thursday 19th Decem ber £79.17 £95.00 Friday 20th Decem ber £83.33 £100.00 Saturday 21stDecem ber £83.33 £100.00 FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL DATES & PACKAGES TO SUIT ALL BUDGETS. 2024Dates& Prices
WE PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE DRINKING AT ALL TIMES W ewantyou to enjoyyourChristm asparty-Pleasedrinksensibly To com ply w ith ourlicensing policy,al-inclusive eveningsare restricted to over18’sonly. O ural-inclusive nightscom bine the sam e spectacularentertainm ent,canapé reception,delicious3 courseseated dinnerasourprem ium nightsbutwith theaddition ofunlim ited wines, prem ium beers,cidersand softdrinksthroughouttheentireevening. Thesenightsareusualyon aSunday-W ednesdayand arevery popular,being am ongstthe f irstto selout. PREMIUM BEERS,CIDER,HOUSE W INE & SOFT DRINKS INCLUDED ALL EVENING date EX VAT INC VAT W ednesday4thDecem ber £91.67 £10.00 Sunday8th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 Tuesday 10th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 Sunday15th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 Tuesday 17th Decem ber £91.67 £10.00 W ednesday18thDecem ber £91.67 £10.00 Al Inclusive Nights CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024
Catering isprovided byAm adeus-thesuperb m ulti-award winning caterer.Am adeus’head chefleadsa talented team in the kitchen.M enus are freshly prepared each day on site using good quality ingredients, m uch ofwhich com esfrom localsuppliers. Amadeus
15 2024 Menu CANAPÉ RECEPTION Honey Glazed Cum berland Sausage,W holegrain M ustard M ash,Baby YorkshirePudding Garlic Toasted Brusceta,Fresh Tom ato,Red O nion,BasilVG/GF Sm oked Salm oninaCroustadew/Lem onCrém eFraiche,FreshDil M ac‘n’Cheesein JapaneseBread Crum b V STARTERs Spiced ButernutSquashSoup,ToastPum pkinSeedsV/GF/DF/VG OR Flaked Scotish Salm on & Prawn Tian,Fresh M ango,Red Onion Salsaw/Toasted Crostiniand Baby LeafSalad MAINS Pan Fried Chicken Breast,Sage & Thym e Stuff ing,Pig in Blanket,Potato Gratin,M aple Glazed Carots,Green Beans,W ilted Greens,Pan JusGFA/DFA OR M editeranean Vegetable Risoto,Chargriled Courgete,Garden Herbs,Seared Vine Tom atoes,Spagheti Vegetables,Sauce Vierge V/DF/GF/VG DESSERTS RusticAppleCrum ble;Baked Cinnam on Appleswith an OatCrum b,served with Custard OR BlackChery ChocolateDelice;ChocolateSoil,Raspbery CoulisGF/DFA OR A Selection ofCheese,Biscuitswith Hom em adeChutneyGFA/V COFFEE & CHOCOLATES Freshly Ground Cofee,Teasand ChocolateTruff lesserved from thecofeebarin theroom MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST CrispyBaconinFloured Rols GFA VeganSausagesinFloured Rols V/GFA/DF/VG SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Ifyou ora guesthave a specialdietary requirem ent,please m ention thisw hen placing yourorder.Fulalergen detailsare available on request. V -Vegetarian GF -Gluten Free DF -DairyFree VG -Vegan GFA -Gluten FreeAvailable DFA -Dairy Free Available
RED 7 Tierra Del Rey Merlot,chile £24.50 Arom asofrich blackchery and plum ,displaying furthercom plexity on thepalatewith hintsofcedar and dark chocolate. 8 Woolloomooloo Shiraz,france £27.50 Sm oky,ripeberyfruitswith atouch ofm int.Sm ooth and rich on thepalate. 9 Toro Fuerte Malbec,australia £28.00 Arom asand f lavoursofbram blefruitsand fruitsoftheforestw ith atw istofcinnam on. 10 Senorial Crianza Rioja,Argentina £30.90 Bright,juicy,refreshing m edium -bodied red w ith a fruit-led palate ofdam son,cranbery,bram ble and chery. 11 Neptune Point Pinot Noir,Nz £33.50 M edium depth ofcolourwith atractivespicyberyand bram blefruitsalong with blackcheries. 12 B & G Chateâuneuf Du Pape,France £42.50 Deep cheryred in colourwith acom plexnoseofripeblueberyand plum and licoricehints.Rich on the palate,m ixing the characterofthe fruitw ith the w arm th ofthe spices,leading onto a round f inish w ith lively notesofm int. WHITE 1 Tierra Del Rey Sauvignon Blanc,south africa £24.50 Arom asoffresh grapefruitand lim e,folow ed by lively f lavoursofgoosebery and ripem elon on the palate. 2 Nua Pinot Grigio,france £26.80 A veryclas icPinotGrigio with notesofnuts,pear,m elon and even ahintofbanana. 3 W illowglen Gew urztraminer,Riesling,italy £28.50 An intense m ed-sw eetarom atic w ine,w ith scentsofpeach,m usk,Turkish delightand lem on zest. The generoussw eetpalate isbalanced by the crisp lim e Riesling. 4 Adobe Reserva,Chardonnay,Chile (Organic) £30.00 Fresh and fruity w ine,w ith velvety texture and a persistent,enjoyable f inish. 5 Neptune Point,Sauvignon Blanc,NZ £33.00 Pure,f lavourful,intense and w el-structured w ith arom asand f lavoursofpas ion fruitand gras . 6 Petit Chablis Pas SiPetit,France £38.00 The fresh,w el-developed bouquetopensw ith arom asofw hite-f leshed fruitand ahintofw hite f low ers. Wine
17 WATER 24 Still Mineral Water (750ml) £4.00 25 Sparkling Mineral Water (750ml) £4.00 FIZZ 16 La Fornarina Prosecco DOC Extra Dry,Italy (Vegan) £31.00 Delicate,slightly sw eetand particularly fruity. 17 Jules Feraud Champagne,france £42.00 Fresh and extrem ely appealing w ith notesofcaram el,butered toast,griled nutsand pistachio shels. 18 Jules Feraud Rose Champagne,france £45.00 Beautifuly balanced,elegantand ref ined w ith bread and buterpudding,applecrum bleand toasted hazelnuts. 19 Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial (Vegan) £68.00 Fulofbody and f lavour,f ine and w elbalanced w ith an elegantf inish. 20 Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut (Vegan) £75.00 Gold in colour,crisp and dry w ith a f ine persistentsparkle and citrushint. 21 Laurent-Perrier Cuvee Rosé £115.00 Gloriouspinkcolourw ith rounded red fruitf lavours. 22 Krug Grand Cuvee £210.00 Rich and opulent,ferm ented in oak barels.A benchm ark w ine. ROSÉ 13 Feather Falls Zinfandel Rose,california £24.50 M outh-w atering sum m erbery f lavoursw ith ahintofcandy create thisperfectly balanced easy-drinking refreshing Rosé. 14 Nua Pinot Grigio Rose,france £26.80 Thisw ine featuresadelicate,pale hue and aref ined bouquetofraspbery,cranbery,and pom egranate,com plem ented by hintsofpearand rosehip.Dry and refreshing on the palate. 15 Mirabeau Pure Cotes De Provence,france £37.00 Grenacheisblended w ith thepunchierSyrah w ith itsripechery and raspbery f lavours,a sm atering ofVerm entino providesdelicacyand ahintofwhitepepper.
26 Drinks VoucheR £6 Exchangeable forany single drink (excluding cocktails& cham pagne) 27 Bottle Bucket £56 10 botlesofprem ium beersoralcopopsserved in an ice-cold bucketto yourtable 28 Soft Drinks Bucket £24 10 glas botled softdrinksand m ixersin an iced bucket,served to yourtable 29 Bottle of Spirits from £80 A 70clbotleofprem ium spiritsserved to yourtable(1botleper10 guests) 30 Silver Table PackagE £130 A has le-freeselection ofdrinksforyourtable!Thispackageincludes3 botlesofhousewine (red,w hite,rosé)10 chiled beers& cidersand a botle ofstil and sparkling w ater-on yourtable ready forw hen you take yourseats. 31 Gold Table PackagE £220 Theultim atestartto yourevening!Thispackageincludes2 ice-cold botlesof Cham pagne,3 botlesofsuperiorwine,(red orwhite)10 chiled beers& ciderand abotleofstiland sparkling w ateron yourtable ready forw hen you take yourseats. 32 Prosecco Package £93 Add som ef izzto yournight!3 botlesofprem ium Prosecco,chiled and w aiting foryou on your tables(s)asyou take yourseats. 33 Fairground Fun PackagE £10 Treatyourgueststo thefun ofthefairafterdinner.Savem oney bypre-buying vouchersfor thefairground atractions.Get3 tokensfor£10 to useon theridesorfun casino. (On thenightprice£4 each) 34 Drinks Package 1* £53 Inclusive beers,house w ine,alcopopsand softdrinksalnight. 35 Drinks Package 2* £65 Inclusive single spirits,prosecco,beers,house w ine,alcopopsand softdrinksalnight. *Drinkspackages(W ristbands)can only be purchased ifboughtforeach and every guestin the party. Alguestsm ustbuythesam epackage.i.eParty groupscannotm ixDrinksPackage1and 2. OFFERING GREAT VALUE - PRE ORDER ONLY Drinks Packages CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024
WE ARE ALWAYS ON HAND TO HELP! CALL US ON 01455 557 829. Aswelasofering m ixed partiesforgroupsof8 upwards,Christm asPartyW orld Farnborough Internationalisavailable forexclusive hire.During Decem berthe venue hasa high specif ication of lighting,sound,staging and them ing instaled,ofering greatcostsavings.The venue can be tailored to accom m odate a variety ofeventstyles. Form ore inform ation on exclusive hire,please em ailadm in@ vividexperience.co.uk HIRING THE VENUE EXCLUSIVELY £15.00 (incVAT)perperson non-refundable& non-transferabledepositplusaoneof booking feeof£4.50 (pergroup).Ifbooking les than 8 weekspriorto theparty-FULL paym entisrequired. InternetBanking paym entsprefered -Please use yourAccountNo (FB* )asreference. Bankdetailsforpaym ents:Vivid ExperienceLtd,RevolutLtd.Sortcode:04-29-09 AccNo:10690727 Chequesm adepayableto ‘Vivid ExperienceLtd’.OneChequeonlyperbooking please. Fulterm sand conditionsareonpage26. BOOKING INFO 1 Book online atfarnboroughchristm asparties.co.uk and reserve ticketsfor10 days w ith no f inancialcom m itm ent. 2 W ithin10 dayspayyour£15perpersondepositand £4.50 booking fee(pergroup). 3 8 weekspriorto yourpartypayyourbalance,chooseyourm enu and pre-ordeyourwine. HOW TO MAKE A BOOKING BookingYour Tickets FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL
“W hatan incredibleevening!Am azing venue,atention to detailwasfabulousand thefood wasdelicious.Good newsspreadsfastand wearedoublingournum bersfor nextyear.” NFU MUTUAL “W ecan’tstop talking aboutthewholenight.Thewhole evening waswel planned;theservice,thefood and the entertainm entw asam azing.” SARAH NUTTALL -BALFOUR BEATTY “W e al had a fantasticnightand the team gave excelent fe dback.Thank you.” KATE ARMITAGE -COCA COLA ENTERPRISES “Couldn’thaveasked form ore. Guestswho cam ewith us w ere asking fordetailsforyourpartiesnextyear!” ANNETTE LORD -VIRGIN MEDIA “W hata fantasticChristm asparty. The room looked stunning and theentertainm entwasenticing.Greatfood and drink too!” NAIME AZMI-BRISTAN GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024 22
Drinks packages: W e’vedesigned two drinkspackagesforthosewanting to enjoy inclusivedrinkson thenight. •Drinkspackage1-Includesbeers,alcopops,housew inesand softdrinks •Drinkspackage 2 -Includesbeers,alcopops,house w ines,prosecco,softdrinksplussingle m easure spirits You can onlyorderdrinkspackagesasawholepartygroup notindividualy.Thesam epackagem ustbeboughtforthewhole group.Packagescannotbem ixed. W hilstdrink packagesenable inclusive drinks,w e operate a responsible drinking policy and therefore alow up to tw o drinksat any onetim e. Drinks Vouchers: Drinksvoucherssaveyou m oney butm ustbepre-ordered from theoff iceoronline •1voucher= 1standard drink* •1voucher= 2 softdrinks* •2 vouchers= 1cocktail •3vouchers= 1glas ofMoëtCham pagne *spirit& m ixer,beerorglas ofhousewine *excludesRed Buland J2O Can we add people to our party? Unles wearecom pletelysold out,we’lalwaysdo ourbestto squeezethem in! I’ve pre-ordered wine how do Icollect it on the night? Yourw ine w ilbe w aiting foryou (chiled ifsuitable)on yourtable asyou take yourseat.Anyalcoholpurchased beforeorduring theeventcannotberem oved from thevenue. Is there an age restriction? Guestsaged 16+ are w elcom e atthe venue,how everal-inclusive nightsare restricted to guestsaged 18+ only. W e operate ‘Chalenge 25’on alevenings,so you m ay be asked to presentID w hen purchasing alcohol. How do Ipay for my party booking? O urprefered m ethod ofpaym entisvia an Electronic Bank Transfer.W e also acceptchequesm ade payable to Vivid Experience Ltd and debitorcreditcards. What does the ticket price include? The ticketprice includesentry to the party,canapé reception,3-course dinner,m idnightbreakfast,spectacularentertainm ent and disco.Sm alchargesapply forthe fun casino,fairground ridesand stals. All Inclusive Nights AlInclusive party nightsinclude inclusive house w ine,beer,alcopops,cider,biterand softdrinksalnight.Itexcludesspirits, cocktails,cham pagne and fairground atractionsand fun casino,how everthese can be purchased separately on the night. How do Ireceive confirmation of payments and booking from you? Alofourcorespondenceisnow viaem ailso you receiveeverything from usin them osteff icientw ay pos ible. What is the minimum booking? Asweneverm ixgroups,wehaveam inim um booking requirem entof8 guests. CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD 2024 FAQ’s
25 What do Iwear? O urguestslove geting dres ed up and itrealy addsthatextra specialfeeling to the night,so get those glad ragsoutand sm arten up!Strictly no jeans,trainers,t-shirtsorsportsw ear. Absolutely no jeans(inc black jeans),t-shirts,sportstrainersorsportsw earw ilbe alow ed. Car Parking Parking isfree ofcharge.There are a large num berofcarparking spacesavailable w ithin a shortw alk ofthe venue. Carscan beleftovernightattheownersrisk. How does the Fun Casino work? £5wilbuyyou£10 offunm oneyforyouto gam bleonRouleteand Blackjack. Casino vouchersareavailableto bepurchased priorto theeventand on thenight. Alprof itsare donated to ourchosen charity,The NSPCC How will our group be seated? O urround tablesseatbetw een 8-12 people.Largernum bersare splitovertableslocated directly nextto each other.You w il onlyeverbeseated withpeopleinyourparty,wedo notm ixgroups. Dueto theam ountofchangeswereceivefrom custom ers,tableplansarenotcom pleted untilthedayofthe partyand thereforeweareunableto provideguestswith tablenum berspriorto theevent. Is there a cash bar on the night? W ewilbeoperating cashles bars.You wilbeableto m akepaym entsfasterbyusing yoursm artphoneorbycontactles card. Therewilbeno cash tilson site. Ihave a food allergy -do Ineed to tell you? That’snotaproblem -pleaseinform am em berofourEventsteam when placing yourm enu choices. W ehold fulalergen inform ation in theoff icew hich can besentto you upon requestand ourm enu can beadapted accordingly. W hen w ill Ireceive my tickets? As um ing w ehavereceived yourf inalbalancepaym entand yourguestlisthasbeen com pleted along w ith yourm enu choices,yourticketsw ilbe sentoutvia em ailaround 2 w eeksbefore yourparty.Ticketsw il need to be presented to security on the night. When is the latest Ican send my menu over? M enu choicesforeverym em berofyourpartym ustbesubm ited no laterthan 3 weeksbeforetheeventasweareunableto is uee-ticketswithoutthissubm ited. What happens if my number of guests fall below the minimum number? W ewould requirefulpaym entforthem inim um requirem ent. Can we do a table plan for our party? Yesofcourse,weseatpartiesin groups,butyou arewelcom eto com eand add yourown nam eplacesto thetableon the night. Is there a cloakroom? Therewilbeafuly stafed cloakroom foralgueststo leavebelongingsfreeofcharge.Pleasenotewe cannotbeheld responsibleforanylos ordam ageto item sleftin thecloakroom . Can each member of our party pay separately? Unfortunatelynot-paym entisonlyaccepted from thepartyorganiser-m ultiplecheques/paym entswil notbeaccepted. FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL
Vivid Experience Limited – Terms of Conditions 1.Booking Terms & Payments a.Bookingscanonlybeconf irm ed onreceiptofthedeposit(£15perperson)and aoneof booking feeof£4.50 perbooking. b.If,in the f irstinstance,you would preferto m ake atelephone enquiry,aprovisionalbooking can be held foram axim um of10 days. c.Should the depositand booking fee notbe received within 10 days,the booking wilautom aticalybe released. d.Depositpaym entservesasconf irm ation thatthese Term s& Conditionshave been read and thatthe party contracting w ith Vivid (hereinafter‘you’)and alguestsagree to abide bythese term sand conditions. e.Depositsand booking feesare non-refundable in anyeventand paym entsdue can onlybe accepted from you. f.1f inalbalance paym entisrequired 8 weekspriorto the event.Bookingsm ade les than 8 weekspriorwilrequire fulpaym entwithin the earlierof10 daysfrom booking or tw o w eeksbefore the event. g.Non-paym entofthe f inalbalance by the due date wilrenderthe contractvoid. h.A VAT invoice wilbe is ued when paym enthasbeen received.A proform ainvoice m aybe is ued priorto receiptofpaym ent. i.The totalam ountdue on each invoice m ustbe setled with asingle paym ent.M ultiple paym entsare notaccepted. j.Debit/creditcard paym ents,bank transferorcheque paym entsare free ofcharge. k.Vivid alow s16’sand overinto the venue.How ever,guestsm ustbe 18 oroverto atend the ‘alinclusive’evenings. 2.Booking Changes a.Booking changesare only acceptable w hen received from you. b.Placesm ay be realocated should a party size drop. c.Ifyourbooking dropsbelow the m inim um requirem entof8,you wilstilbe required to m ake fulpaym entfor8 guests. d.Ticketsthathave previously been canceled can only be reinstated subjectto availabilty and w ilrequire fulpaym ent. e.Vivid wilendeavourto accom m odate m enu ordetailchangesbutwilnotbe held responsible forfailure ofanychangesiftheywere com m unicated les than 2 weeksbefore the eventdate. f.Vivid regretsthatchangesto bookings,m enu choicesorwine orderscannotbe m ade on the dayofthe event. 3.Refunds and Cancellations a.W hole booking cancelationscan onlybe m ade byyou and m ustbe m ade in writing to the em ailaddres published on Vivid’swebsite and in itsbrochure forthe applicable eventorsuch otheraddres thatVivid notif iesto you in writing.Cancelationsoverthe telephone cannotbe accepted. b.Depositsand booking feesare non-refundable and non-transferable and cannotbe used foranyothergoodsorservicesprovided byVivid (including butnotlim ited to the balance paym entordrinksorders) c.Refundsofthe balance paym entwilbe calculated asfolowsi.Refund 100% les deposit,ifcanceled m ore than 56 dayspriorto youreventdate i.Refund 75% les deposit,if canceled m ore than 28 daysbutles than 56 dayspriorto youreventdate i.Refund 50% les deposit,ifcanceled m ore than 14 daysbutles than 28 dayspriorto yourevent date iv.No refund,ifcanceled 14 daysorles priorto youreventdate. d.Refundswilbe paid byVivid assoon asreasonablypos ible within 21daysafterreceiving refund detailsfrom you. e.Refunded m onieswilbe returned viathe originalm ethod ofpaym ent. f.Should we be forced to canceloureventsdue to Governm entrestrictionssurounding Covid-19,fulticketrefundswilbe is ued.Outside ofthis,ourstandard term sand conditionsapply. 4.Tickets & Table Plans a.You wilbe notif ied viaem ailwhen ticketshave been sentby Vivid 2 to 3 weekspriorto the eventdate. b.Due to on-going changesin conf igurations,tableswilnotbe alocated untilthe day ofthe event. c.Should individualplace setingsbe required,you w ilbe able to provide and alocate these during the pre-dinnerreception,provided thatthisisagreed in advance w ith a m em berofthe Vivid staf. 5.Menu Pre-orders a.There isa setm enu forthisevent,w ith a vegetarian alternative.Vivid w ilendeavourto accom m odate any specialdietary requirem entsifrequested in advance,alergen inform ation isheld on aldishesand isavailable on request.Vivid m ustbe notif ied ofany dietary requirem entsno laterthan 2 w eeksbefore the eventto the contactem ailaddres published on Vivid’sw ebsite and in itsbrochure forthe applicable event. b.M enu choicesm ustbe received no laterthan 14 dayspriorto yourparty date. c.Vivid wilendeavourto accom m odate m enu changesbutwilnotbe held responsible forfailure ofanychangesiftheywere com m unicated les than 2 weeksbefore the event date. d.Ifm enu optionsare notm ade before the eventthe standard Christm asm enu wilbe served. e.Vivid reservesthe rightto m ake changesto the advertised m enu in the eventofshortagesin the supply ofparticularitem sbutundertakesthata three-course m ealw ilbe served. f.W here a party booking isform ore than 1table,please note that,once the guestsare seated,the w aiting staf w ilcheck atw hich table the guest(s)w ith specialdietary requirem entsare siting in orderto as istw ith service. 6.Beverages a.Any pre-ordered beverages,drinksvouchersordrinkspackagesm ustbe paid forin advance. b.Any drinksvoucherspurchased are non-refundable afterthe event,cannotbe exchanged forcash on the evening and are only valid forthe yearasstated on the drinks vouchers. c.No drinksare included in the ticketprice exceptw here stated. d.Pre-ordered drinkspackagescan only be purchased ifthe sam e package ispurchased foreach and every guestin the party.Vivid regretsitisunable to m ake conces ionsfor guestswho do notrequire the drinkspackage foranyreason whatsoever. e.Atthe event,anyqueriesregarding abeverage orderm ustbe m ade with am em berofstaf atthe tim e.W e advise thatyou take yourbeverage invoice to the eventasproof ofpurchase.Anyis uesnotraised during the evening cannotbe dealtwith postevent. f.Guestsm ay not,underany circum stances,bring theirow n drinks. g.Vivid’slicense conditionsdo notperm itbeveragesto be rem oved from the venue. h.Asw e prom ote responsible drinking,lim itationsare putin place foralalcoholbeverages. 7.Miscellaneous a.Pricesshown within the brochure include VAT atthe rate of20% and are subjectto change should the VAT rate change. b.Vivid reservesthe rightto refuse adm is ion,and to rem ove from the function any person,w hose condition in the opinion ofthe staf atthe venue interferes,orislikely to interfere w ith,the enjoym entofthe function by otherparticipants.Thisincludesnon-com pliance w ith the dres code stated in the brochure,on ourw ebsite and on tickets.In these circum stances,no refundswilbe ofered.Dres code exceptionswilbe m ade foranyguestswith adisabiltyorm edicalcondition. c.Vivid doesnotacceptany responsibilty in respectofany person prevented from entering the function,orasked to leave due to theirconductand in these circum stancesno refundswilbeofered. d.Vivid wiltake everycare to honourcom m itm ents-butreservesthe rightto am end oralteralorpartofthe program m e ofthe partiesand regretthattheywilnotacceptliabilty forerors,changes,om is ionsorcancelations. e.Vivid doesnotacceptany liabilty & shalnotbe liable fornon-com pletion ofthe event,orforany delaysarising asa resultsofstrikes,riotsorlockoutsafecting the ow nerof the eventvenue orany third party suppliersto Vivid and/orthe event,adverse weatherconditions,los ,dam age orcancelation due to f ire,f lood,orany othercause beyond Vivid’sreasonable control. f.Although carparking areasare patroled 24hrsa day Vivid doesnotacceptresponsibilty forlos ordam age to yourvehicle w hilston itsprem ises. g.Datesand tim ingsadvertised are subjectto licensing approvaland a suff icientlevelofticketsalesin the sole opinion ofVivid. h.Picturesused in thisbrochure are from pasteventsm anaged by Vivid -exactthem e sets,costum esand entertainm entvary from venue to venue and from yearto year. i.Itm ustbe appreciated thatVivid isrequired to book and pay forlabour,entertainm entand certain food item sin advance. j.Nothing in these term slim itsorexcludesVivid’sliabilty fordeath orpersonalinjury caused by itsnegligence,fraud orfraudulentm isrepresentation,orany otherliabilty w hich cannotbe lim ited orexcluded byapplicable law. k.Subjectto sub-paragraph (j)above,Vivid shalhave no liabilty to you,whetherin contractortortorotherwise,forany los ofprof itorofgoodwil,orany los ordam age w hich isindirectorconsequentialorw hich doesnotarise asa directresultand naturalresultofa breach ofitscontractw ith you orw hich isnota reasonably foreseeable consequence ofsuch a breach and Vivid’saggregate liabilty to you,w hetherin contract,tort(including negligence),forbreach ofstatutory duty,orotherw ise,arising underorin connection with the provision ofitscontractwith you shalbe lim ited to the am ountofthe price paid byyou to Vivid underyourcontractwith Vivid forthe relevantevent. l.These term sand conditionsare governed by English law and in the unlikely eventofa dispute,the partiesshalsubm itto the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe English courts.
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